Fall is the ideal time to start a GREEN UP lawn care program. Start your lawn care program now, and give your neighbors green envy! Greening up your lawn is one of the most affordable ways to add exterior appeal to your home!

In the fall, we are usually greeted with cooler nighttime air temperatures while the soil temperatures are still warm and rainfall can be expected. These conditions makes for fall to be an ideal time for quick seed germination and deep root development. Good fall practices will also help your yard in the spring. The best prevention of broadleaf weeds is applied during the fall to prevent spring flowering. A fall fertilized yard will also cause greener spring lawns and give your lawn protection over the winter.



Fall is a great time to:

  • Fill in bare spots & dead patches
  • Add thickness to thin lawns
  • Fertilize & GREEN UP
  • Prevent & Control broadleaf weeds
  • Protect for winter

Overseed your lawn this fall to add thickness and fill in bare/dead patches:

Use a High quality grass seed like Black Beauty Ultra in your fall lawn care program. Premium quality grass seeds will contain Tall Fescue & Kentucky Bluegrass varieties. Premium quality seeds will promote deep root development and resistance to the sun, drought, disease, and insects. Cheaper, lower quality seeds will contain species of grasses that will fail under summer conditions. You may see quick vegetation growth with cheaper seeds, but they will not hold up over time and typically contain weeds.

Use starter fertilizer. New seeds should be fertilized with a high phosphorus product such as Turf Pro Starter 10-20-10. Do not be fearful to fertilize at seeding. The young seedlings need that boost to quickly develop and establish deep roots. Following up with the same fertilizer 2 weeks after the initial seeding and fertilizing, will further support development of your lawn.

Use proper watering & care: You want to keep the seedbed constantly wet for germination. You do not want to over saturate or puddle the lawn with water. Frequent light irrigation is recommended at the beginning stages. As the seedlings become more established, watering can be less frequent. As the grass comes on, give the blades of grass time to dry in between watering. You don’t want to over water at this stage and create a prime condition for weeds to grow.

An overseed lawn care guide:

  1. Mow existing lawn 1″ lower than an average mowing, do not scalp.
  2. Dethatch and or Aerate/Verticut
  3. Rake and remove excess debris
  4. Spread starter fertilizer
  5. Spread seed
  6. Lightly rake in seed
  7. Water
  8. 2 weeks later, 2nd application of starter fertilizer
  9. Mow once your grass is taller than 3″ or average mowing height

Here is a great video for reference about overseeding from Kansas State: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQoQ9mCWw5s&feature=youtu.be

We stock a variety of seeds for many different applications. Give us a call to discuss which type to seeds would be perfect for your lawn this fall!  Click on any photo for more information about each type of premium grass seed. 

Grass seed in Columbus, Indiana Grass seed in Columbus, Indiana grass seeds Columbus Indiana grass seeds Columbus Indiana Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed in Columbus Indiana

Fall Feeding & Prevention Products for your lawn care program: (Not ideal to use if seeding. Can use 1 month after initial seeding)

Protect against Broadleaf weeds in the fall:

Broadleaf weeds like dandelions and chickweed germinate in the cooler periods of September-October. When spring comes, the warmer weather promotes rapid growth of these type of weeds and they begin flowering. At the flowering stage they are almost impossible to control. Your best line of defense is to prevent the weeds from germinating. Take control in the fall and prevent germination and small seedling development with Jonathan Greens Green UP Weed & Feed. (You would not use the fertilizer if you are overseeding)




Fertilizer in Columbus IndianaFertilize & Green UP: Fertilizing is recommended per year: 1lb of nitrogen per 1000 square feet of area over 4 applications. The fall is a key time to spread the remaining yearly Nitrogen applications. It will help your grass to be more green come spring, and will help with root development and give your lawn the nutrients that it needs for the upcoming winter.





Winter survival for lawns in Columbus IndianaWinter Survival is another Fall Fertilizing Option: Depending on where you are on your nitrogen versus potassium feed schedule and how many feedings you plan to get in this fall, consider using winter survival for your final feeding. 10-0-20 Winter Survival provides a well balanced formula of Nitrogen & Potassium, ideal for winter turf protection. Iron, sulfur and 30% slow release nitrogen help to keep the lawn a deep-green color. A true fall/winter formula that promotes root growth and stores nutrients for the spring. Contains humates for root development. You can use this product with overseeding.



Please use this link for additional resources and videos for more information on how to prepare your lawn for the fall! Please contact us with any questions you may have and lets you get started on a GREEN UP fall program right away!

Jonathan Green Website Link

View our easy 4 step yearly schedule on our blog: Easy 4 steps to GREEN UP